Playing movie file on iOS


I’m using UE 4.18.2, and I’m following this tutorial to play a movie file in 3D:

This works fine on macOS. However, when launching on iOS, I just get the default movie player material look (the one that I also see in the editor when the movie is not playing), and the movie never starts.

From the XCode log, I can see this error:

[2018.01.16-17.04.03:998][ 0]LogMediaAssets: Error: Failed to validate media source Sample (file://…/…/…/UnrealTest/Content/Movies/sample.mp4)

I tried several different formats to see if anything works, but no luck so far. I’d love to hear any ideas on what I might be doing wrong and how to do this correctly.

The movie is located in Content/Movies/sample.mp4, 720p VBR h.264.


Hi Volker, got a screenshot of your Blueprint? Also, what do you mean by default movie player material? It should just be black if nothing is loaded.


here is a screenshot:

We’ve now found out that the movie does play correctly when going through “Package Project → iOS”, and deploying the resulting IPA, but it does not work when going through “Launch → My iPad”.

Is there maybe a flag that needs to be set to tell the editor to copy over that asset when deploying through launch?

I think that iOS is not deploying the videos to the device when using PIE, only when creating a full package.

Building the IPA worked for us too, thank you very much!