Can you override your developer folder name?


I’m working on a student project for a inter-University competition. Sometimes I work on my personal desktop at home and sometimes I work on a desktop at University.

Problem is, the Windows account name is not the same on both PC and when I use Developer Folders, the name of the folder is different, which is an issue when it comes to syncing files with Perforce on one PC and using them on the other PC.

Is there any way I can fix this issue so that the dev folder has the same name on both PC so that I can filter out the dev content by “current developper” on both PC?


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I would appreciate having an anwser on this one too. Did you found any solution ?

Arf, thanks for the answer anyway.

I’ve never found a solution to this.

I was looking through for solution for that too, and I ended up finding this.
There is a function FPaths::GameUserDeveloperFolderName() in the engine. You can change it to make it to get your dev folder name differently.

And for those who were wondering like me, the default source is FGenericPlatformProcess::UserName(), which in Windows is FWindowsPlatformProcess::UserName(), which uses the Windows call GetUserName().

Hi! Have you found a way other than modifying the source code?