How do I make a mouse-following crosshair?

For some reason my script inverts the y axis.

Hi, since you provided no further information, I will just tell you the whole process how I would do it.

  1. Create a UMG widget and add an Image to it (configure it to your needs size etc.). Anchor it to the top left. Set Alignment to 0.5, 0.5.
  2. Expose it as a variable.
  3. Go to your Player Controller Blueprint and create this widget and add it to the viewport (whenever it will be needed)
  4. Each tick you get the mouse cursor pos and set the position of the Image of the widget you created before (have to store it as variable somewhere)
  5. Optional: Don’t move it fully to the mouse cursor but only e.g. 1000px * DeltaSeconds in direction of your Mouse Cursor. This gives a nice delay when moving the mouse

Keep in my mind that y goes down from the top-left in screen space.

The other option is to use a HUD actor. There you can draw lines and build the crosshair yourself with no image.