Binrary array replication incorrect

Hi, I am working on an online speech chat.
I use IVoiceCapture to capture the voice data from the microphone and save the voice data to file.
Then when i want to use the data, i use FFileHelper to load the file to an uint8 array(TArray).
If i use the data array on the server, it works correctly.
But if i pass the data array to server and multicast it, it not works.
Please help me!

UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly)
class USoundWaveProcedural* VoiceCaptureSoundWaveProcedural;

class UAudioComponent* VoiceCaptureAudioComponent;

void UVoiceCaptureComponent::PlaybackFromBytes(const TArray<uint8>& Buffer)
	if (Buffer.Num() > 0)
		UE_LOG(VoiceCaptureLog, Warning, TEXT("PlaybackFromBytes(): Start playback..."));
		VoiceCaptureSoundWaveProcedural->QueueAudio(Buffer.GetData(), Buffer.Num());
		UE_LOG(VoiceCaptureLog, Warning, TEXT("PlaybackFromBytes(): The given buffer is invalid..."));