I can't move the camera when attached to head socket

I clicked ‘Edit ThirdPersonCharacter’ and went into the Viewport window, dragged the FollowCamera into the Mesh, and in FollowCamera, I changed the Parent Socket to ‘Head’, and now I can’t move the camera, since when I make the parent socket the head, it moves the camera out of place, but I can’t move it back into place, i can drag on the arrows but it doesn’t move at all

What happens if you set the Camera Location to 0,0,0 ? It should snap to the socket.

Did you solve it? I have this problem 2.

i have this same problem, nothing happens when you do that

^ This ^ And if it doesn’t, clear the socket from the camera, set location to 0,0,0, and then re-attach to the head socket.

In order to fix this just delete the third person files from file explorer and add the third person feature pack from unreal

I know it old topic , but for those who have this problem later just Uncheck Editable when Inherited.

You are so right, it works for me. As I was wondering what it means, I found you can tick back this option immediately and the camera is still movable. So contradictory, feels like a bug.