Some questions about vehicles

I am currently following this guide made by the Unreal Team. I managed to get my vehicle (in this case a train) to move and im able to turn. The only problem is that when I turn, this happens. I was wondering if I can do something so my vehicle doesn’t fall over.

I was also wondering if I could make a “boost” of some sort, like, pressing space to make my train go faster.

I appreciate all the help you can give me, im also very new to the program so im sorry if I don’t understand everything.


This is really old series, dates back to 2014. I am surprised you managed to get that far already! :wink:

Anyway, it is not easy to tell what is wrong from your movie. One apparent thing is that your train seems to be oriented along the Y direction (green axis) while I believe it should be oriented along the X direction (red axis) in order to work properly.

Try to change it in this way and see if it stops tipping over and turns instead.