Can't attach mesh to socket

I have several bones, that are not skinned to anything, and here to be used for in game attachments.

In character blueprint I added Skeletal Mesh component (which holds my attachment).

In event graph I added “H” input event, and told to fire Attach To of my attachment component.

When trying to attach to “BackLeftSocket” it doesn’t work. As if the socket wouldn’t exist, and my mesh is attached at character legs.

But when trying to attach to “TestSocket” It works.

Here are assets involved (minus blueprint, to much custom code is needed to actually run it):

Hi iniside,

Unless I am misunderstanding, you made additional bones in your modeling program to be used as sockets once imported into the editor?

Could you post some screenshots? One of your Event Graph that triggers the attachment and one of your Skeleton/Socket setup.

It actually started to work, for whatever reason. I’m not able to reproduce this issue any longer, so I can’t really figure out what was the case of it in first place.

When there will be development about it, I will make sure to track it down more carefully.