Edges render dark, with no lighting or post processing

I’m having the same problem listed here:

Which is that even with all post processing and lighting settings turned off on the project and the camera, the camera seems to render things at the edges darker. It seems like some sort of post processing addition.
This material is nothing but an unlit material that uses emissive color to render the texture. Perhaps I am doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance, I could really use some help with this


So hitting F2 and F3 in the editor fixes the issue (which maps to the “viewmode unlit” and “viewmode lit” commands). viewmode unlit gives the result I would like. Unfortunately, viewmode unlit is a debug feature, and can’t be used in a release build. I actually am fine with viewmode lit, and just want to eliminate this outer darkening of the view.
here is a picture that shows the issue. The image on the left is the desired look, and the image on the right is what it looks like.

i would guess that its a result of the auto exposure or theres a vignette applied in your camera or post somewhere.

thanks for the reply. Auto exposure is off, same with vignette on the camera.There is no post process volume.

did you check the settings on you camera. the camera has built in post process.

the settings on the right image there is the camera. I’d post all the settings for the camera, but every check box is unchecked inside the headers “Color Grading”, “Tonemapper”, “Lens”, and “Rendering Features”. There is a “post Process Blend Weight” option, but the issue persists whether that value is 1.0 or 0.0. I don’t see any other camera settings related to post processing, lighting or color.

I finally found what was causing this, while trying to optimize GPU using the profiler. It turns out, in the camera settings that when a setting is unchecked, it means only that the default value is used, NOT that the feature is turned off. In this case, I had to check the “Vignette Intensity” checkbox, and set the corresponding value to 0.0. Leaving it unchecked will simply use the default value of 0.4, even if you set it to a different value.