Light Complexity does not work, and static lights will not bake.

Hello, I’m currently using Unreal 4.19 Preview and I’m unable to use the Light Complexity Optimisation view mode.

When I go to the view mode everything in the scene is displayed as being black, even though I several lights in the scene.

I am also having issues with baking static lighting. Swarm will let me bake each light once but after that, each light will not emit anything and I have to delete the lights and create new ones with the same settings.

I’ve tried rebuilding Lightmass through Visual Studio, but that has not fixed anything.

I’m having the same problem in the 4.19 preview. The static lights simply won’t bake at all and emit no light. Stationary lights work but are far more costly and there’s problems due to the light overlap. Wish I knew how to solve this problem.

Same problem. Static lights do nothing. Interestingly a different map bakes correctly.

I solved this by going into SHOW - Use defaults…
