Packaging Size 2GIG - What are the elements that increase packaging size

What are the elements that increase the Build size most?
Mest counts and triangulation of course but what else?

Is it…

• Textures size

• IES files

• Number of Reflection spheres and there LOD

• Bloom


I’ve done everything I could find online, but nothing works.

Need suggestions Please.

So this isn’t really an answer to your question but if you’re trying to reduce build sizes then migrate your levels to a new empty project and that will transfer over everything that’s in those levels and everything that is dependent so you won’t carry over anything that you’re not using.

But if I had to try to answer your question the biggest files that I’ve found are any art asset and sound assets because blueprints get compiled and all of the script compared to everything else is really small. And honestly meshes aren’t that intensive when it comes to size because it’s just basically a list giving the positions of all of the vertices and how they connect and then you have your UV maps. I know if you’re using really big Landscapes or a lot of Landscapes your level sizes are going to be really large because it has to store it in a height map which is basically another type of texture file and unreal uses 16-bit precision instead of 8 bit for their height Maps so they’re all pretty big.

Already have tried that. I will try is again. how ever it only migrates meshes/maps/ textures.
It does not migrate

  • lights
  • Reflection Spheres
  • effects ( teleport )
  • etc…

Do you have a trick for that?


Well it’s extremely hacky but you can select everything in your level that doesn’t migrate over and then use the blue print button on the toolbar at the top to convert all of that into one blueprint and then migrated over that blueprint I’m just not sure how you would get them back into their separate pieces once you put it into the level I try to create a blueprint out of a few objects and then see if you can basically on create that object before you go through the hassle of migrating stuff over but if you’re already done and you’re okay with everything being exactly where it is and not being able to move around or having to move it around inside the blueprint and not inside the level itself then yeah that option would work fine. I type a little more eloquently but I’m at work and using the speech to text and everyone knows how awesome that is getting things correct I’m also far too lazy to go through and edit it. I look more into this when I get home though.

Thanks. Did not work so well.

My architectural scene is huge. It’s a government office complex.7 storeys high with street and courtyards.
Here is the breakdown

• 543 Meshes (size map 660 Mb)

• 1,900 Lights with IES files ( I know it’s crazy but it mus represent the reality) is there a work around?

• 396 Textures ( size map 2.9 Gig )

• Need to add art pieces everywhere and garden vegetation…Don’t see how I can ;(

• Build Lighting quality - PRODUCTION

Here is what I have done so far,

• I’ve manually deleted all the unused elements ( UNREAL should really work on a cleaner within the Engine)

• Reduced All my texture maps by 50%

• Reduced the vertices counts and triangles of my most detailed meshes by 50%

• Followed the guide from UE4 Testing and Optimizing Your Content | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

Is the scene referencing to past scenes or anything else? My FirstPersonExampleMap_BuiltData is still 2.4G

I can build from scratch by exporting the persistent level, but I have to re-texture the 543 meshes plus the lights and
blueprint teleport actions do not follow.

Is it the lights, the meshes, the textures, the Reflection spheres LOD?
Where should I cut?

Appreciate for your help.


From my experience its Textures, the first time I built my game it was 11gb, after adjusting the texture sizes it came down to 3.2gb and the difference was barley noticeable on hd screen, but performance, loading time, memory usage and deployment size were drastically improved, if its indeed the cause of your problem there’s 2 way to get around it.

  1. If you don’t mind reducing texture resolution, you can open your texture file(s) from your content browser and adjust the LOD Bias, you have to do this to each texture individually. An LOD Bias value of 0 will give you the original size that the texture was imported at, so for example if your original size was 2048x2048 then a LOD Bias value of 1 will reduce that size by half - 1024x1024, value of 2= 512x512 3= 256x256 etc, using this method is better than re importing a smaller texture because you won’t lose the high res version of the texture, you’ll just need to set the LOD bias back to 0 if you want it to go back to its original size. When you cook your game the texture will be what ever size the LOD Bias value you set gave you.


2 Under Project Setting - Cooker, in the textures setting you can adjust the way UE4 compresses all your textures, a value of 0 will get you the smallest and fastest size and a value of 4 will get you the biggest size and highest quality.
These settings can also dramatically reduce your deployment size so you can try adjusting them to whatever suits you and your project.

Hope this helps.

I makes sense. THX
I’ve already reduced my textures in the original folder. I’ll try your suggestion.


Thank you so much for your help. Went from 2.4GIG down to 950MB and I barely lost any quality.
I will adjust some more settings but I now have a scene I can work with.

Again thank you very much

Your welcome