Localization with string tables not working

I used Localization Dashboard to set “Gather from Packages” → “Include Path Wildcards” to the folder containing my localization tables. I added a new culture (so I have English as native and Italian). I filled the translations for Italian, so in the dashboard I see the correct word count and translation for both cultures.

To test I get a string from a table with a blueprint Make Literal Text, convert it to string and print to log.

No matter how I set the game’s culture to Italian, the output is always English. I tried with command line argument (-culture=it), SetCurrectCulture in blueprint and setting culture in DefaultEngine.ini.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

I tried in pie and launching the game from command line with -game. Haven’t tried cooking.

Okay, -game should work. Did you compile your translations in the Localization Dashboard after changing them?

My bad, I did not compile. Sorry for such a stupid mistake.

Are you running a cooked game or the editor when testing this? If you’re using the editor, are you running with -game?