Sample to show a number of issues

I wasn’t sure to put this into a bug section. But admin can feel free to do this, if these are bugs and simply not doing things wrong.

I created a quick mockup to show a number of issues, and these are:

  1. Blinking lighting on FPS character when in shadows.
  2. Unable to find some kind of sound attenuation control, like for instance when entering a tunnel.
  3. Light splotches on dark corners in the tunnel (in this case) although there is no reason for it being there
  4. Weird color bleeding when near metallic objects (the blue boxes), looks to be a shader issue.
  5. Light adaptation speed much too slow (how does one control this, or even turn it off) when entering dark areas.
  6. BSP sections had to be overlapping into eachother because, when moving light is leaking in from outside.
  7. When moving the character, it moves smoothly only to ‘skip’ at intervals.
  8. Screen tearing is incredibly high.

You can find the sample here:
(EDIT: I had to remove these links as the pictures are now gone.)

I have stripped it of resources and now only contains enough to show the issues.
I’d be grateful for any suggestions :slight_smile:

Update: Just to clarify #6, you cannot see the problem here. Feel free to ignore it. I’ll see if I can reproduce it and then I’ll put a new update here.

Best regards/

The only thing I can really comment on is number 8, the screen tearing. What GPU do you have? As I have noticed a large amount of screen tearing on my AMD R9 290x when in fullscreen, but zero tearing on my NVidia GTX 690.

@Ehamloptiran: I’ve got an nVidia GTX 780 3GB Ram. That should be way more than necessary I think. It is also a bit odd, because I don’t know if you noticed. But it seems to tear most at areas where there are a lot of shader activity. I have no clue as to why that is. Because I only have a material with a diffuse, normalmap, metallic etc… nothing special at all. The shader (to me) should be super simple. But still, I can’t deny seeing this. But like I said, I’m grateful for suggestions :slight_smile: And thanks for taking the time to look at it. And seeing your comment that a lower end card seems to perform better is quite telling. I’d wish if someone at Epic could have a suggestion about this?

Update: I think I know what is causing the tearing. The shader just updates so quickly that the faster your card is, the worse it gets. Clearly it seems UE4 is meant to have VSync active (i.e don’t turn it off, or use a fitting driver setting) That is the only explanation I can think of. A solution would be if the engine actually cared to see if a redraw is needed, before wasting cycles on this, because most people I know always turn it off (forced) But there is also a way to check if the retrace is at the beginning of it’s run, but that would require Epic to add it also. That is my thinking anyway :slight_smile:

Best regards/ Mike

Hmm… the screen tearing must be subjective to ur system, I just upgraded to a NVidia Titan and I still have zero screen tearing on the NVidia card, and lots of screen tearing on the AMD card.

You probably have vsync on, or have ‘adaptive’ settings on. Either will not display the tearing. I also don’t know if you have G-Sync support. But then again, I also don’t have a Titan so I can’t say if it matters. But it is bad enough that it happens on two different brands, and some (if not all) cards.

I used the following conditions: I have VSync off, and dont have ‘adaptive’ settings on, I have all set to Epic, using a very heavy shader scene. I dont have a G-Sync enabled monitor. With these settings no tearing on a Asus NVidia GTX690 or Gigabyte NVidia Titan, and lots of screen tearing in full screen on the AMD A9 290X. No settings changes in between, I merely changed the card that was used for rendering. So I suspect this is not a global issue, but is subjective to certain setups.

Hmm, that is actually quite interesting… :slight_smile: Thanks :slight_smile: