Can someone interpret what this means?

In Your Engine

Unpack the files into Engine/Plugins/SDKBOXIAP

Run the GenerateProjectFiles script in the Engine root.

Open your engine project file and build the editor.


Comment: This is a plugin installing process and I did the first one: Unpacking

But the second one saying “Run the GenerateProjectFiles script in the Engine root”

I don’t know what it means. Is it .exe which I should run? I can’t find this in the engine folder.

When installing the Engine from Source, I find that there is a batch file you run to regenerate:

You can also right click your .uproject file and regenerate/switch engine version (Which also regenerates).

Thank you for reply, but I only see those four folders without the rest. I use 4.16. Just to make sure, If I click .uproject and click switch engine version, then click the same version, does this regenerate as well?