Perception and GetTeamAttitudeTowards() not working correctly?

I’ve been setting up the perception system for our game and I’ve implemented IGenericTeamAgentInterface and its associated methods. The issue I’m having is that my AISense_Sight (the only sense set up right now) is detecting everything, even with GetTeamAttitudeTowards() correctly implemented. I’ve verified that GetTeamAttitudeTowards() is getting called, presumably by the perception system, and that it is returning the correct ETeamAttitude. I’ve also set the sight config after construction to only detect enemies like so, just for my own sanity (if for some reason the config variables aren’t working correctly):

		Sense_Sight->DetectionByAffiliation.bDetectEnemies = true;
		Sense_Sight->DetectionByAffiliation.bDetectFriendlies = false;
		Sense_Sight->DetectionByAffiliation.bDetectNeutrals = false;

It just doesn’t seem to function as expected. It’s still picking up actors that are set to its own team, which I am deliberately returning as ETeamAttitude::Friendly. If I run my own GetTeamAttitudeTowards() check in my ActorPerceptionUpdated() delegate on the actors it picks up, it does correctly filter them out. Is this is a bug or am I just missing something obvious here?


Oh, this is all being done in my AIController class.