Why synchronous loading flush async loading

// Begin loading packages.
//warning: Objects may not be destroyed between BeginLoad/EndLoad calls.
void BeginLoad()
auto& ThreadContext = FUObjectThreadContext::Get();
if (ThreadContext.ObjBeginLoadCount == 0 && !IsInAsyncLoadingThread())
// Make sure we’re finishing up all pending async loads, and trigger texture streaming next tick if necessary.

		// Validate clean load state.
		check(ThreadContext.ObjLoaded.Num() == 0);


In the function BeginLoad, unreal will flush aync loading when this is invoked by synchronous loading request(staticloadobject). But why? Can someone help me to explain it? For a example?

What’s more, it just flush the time-sliced async loading, not threaded aync loading.

Many thanks!

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