HOW to Read PNG from Mobile Internal Storage AS TEXTURE [ Android 7.0 - Samsung S8 ]

Searching it for weeks and would like to learn the answer so we can add to Wiki later on.

Engine: Unreal Engine 4.18.12 - GitHub

Device: Samsung S8

Android Version: 7.0 - Stock Android

File System: ext4 + encryption

Junction-Link?: Not permitted without root

Personal Usage: Samsung Gear VR - No Root

SDK Version: Android SDK 21

Update: As it is not as critical for me - request is based for people WHO doesn’t want to rewrite AND discover the entire system. I’d like to know IF - there is anyone WHO did it before OR has optimized workflow OR has shared - AND if there is none - I’ll be sharing when I get to it.

Thank you!

A general workflow to read from storage on android will be very appreciated!