AI Perception History

I have managed to get basic AI perception working fine. however, when running the ai debug I noticed that a perceived actor’s last known location was stored along with the age of the stimulus. I couldn’t find where the actor’s last known location and age is stored, as the documentation is still not the best on AI Perception. Does anyone know where this is stored on the component?


Actually, reading engine’s code is way better and faster than using the documentation. :slight_smile:

UAIPerceptionComponent contains PerceptualData private property.
It’s a map AActorFActorPerceptionInfo. The values within this map, have GetLastStimulusLocation function that reads this information from internal array of elements of type FAIStimulus.

Hope this helps.

Thanks, this is what I ended up using. I forgot to post that I had figured it out from the engine code like you mentioned.