Help with launch character node?

I would like when I hit by a certain projectile to be shot directly backward. I couldn’t figure out how to send it to always be up a about 500 on the z and then about 200 on the Y of whatever the rotation the player is at…if that makes sense…

I was trying ti it with launch character…can anyone help me?? Or maybe…How could I just have the projectile knock me back and THAT based on which direction I’m throne???


Does anyone understand? I just need my character to launch the opposite way he’s facing.

Use the function AddImpulse, on the CharacterMovement.

In your specific case, you’ll want to get the inverse direction of the CapsuleComponent, then multiply it by a huge number to get an impulse force that will actually push your character.

I’m doing this in the blueprint of an enemy that shoots a projectile. When it hits you this happens. So I can’t find character movement…;/
What should I do??

You’re editing the projectile’s blueprint, then?

On the projectile’s OnHit event, there’s an “Other Actor” pin. That’s what actor the projectile hit. Drag a pin from it and look for Cast To Character (because CharacterMovement is on Character, not on Actor). On the cast node, there’ll be a “As character” output, drag a pin from it and you’ll be able to get the CharacterMovement and CapsuleComponent. Then the rest is as above.

I recommend you follow some basic tutorials on blueprints, there are many on the wiki and the documentation.

I’ve watched through many tutorials. This is just something new to me. U had no idea there was a get launcher node.
So cast to my character to receive it’s components. Didn’t think of that. THANKS!! :slight_smile:

I honestly don’t get that to work…It’s setup on the enemy blueprint. It’s setup the same way you say but the cast fails. I have no idea why…casting to other BPs is something I have little experience with unfortunately. :frowning: