How to get the "ctrl + v" event of the blueprint editor

I want to use c + + to generate some blueprint nodes.

I noticed blueprint node can copy and paste.

I would like to know,When I press “ctrl + v”,Which function is executed?

cool, thank you.

The editor serializes the nodes when you press Ctrl+C and saves it as text. On Ctrl+V, it uses the serialized text in memory to recreate them. It calls this utility function:

FKismetEditorUtilities::PasteNodesHere(ParentGraph, Location);

> Code Link <

This code is available only in the editor side and should be called from the Editor module of your game or plugin (and not the runtime module)

I just want to convert my python code to blueprint :slight_smile:

@Ali_Akbar Which function is used to serialize to text and copy when pressing ctrl+c?

I am looking for a way to do it either in blueprint/python/c++ for my blutility.