Switching matinee, camera one frame glitch

Hello everyone,

I am having an issue in creating cinematic that is composed of a succession of matinee sequence.

ISSUE : when the engine switch from one matinee to another there is “one frame” that show at the “player Start” camera and it render that frame between the 2 matinee.

So that create a visual glitch, as there is an image that shows.

I understand that it is related to delay, and tried many things related to that, so what are the workflow fix ?
What am I missing ?

More info and specifics :

Event start > matinee in a loop
Event press space bar > play other matinee
Right “0.001” sec after I press Space bar, that frame shows.
Both matinee have a director group with at least a camera

Thank you for your help

I have the same problem but with only one matinee. Have you solve the problem?

Same here. First frame after every camera switch is a garbage.

yes i also have this problem. we really need an answer to this one!