Slate SListView of FText not displaying content


we have a simple code For A plugin:
a DockTab with a VerticalBox with a SListView>.

The list has an item source.

Our goal is to display the items from the item source array into the vertical box.

We add Elements to the array (Via a button), but nothing is being displayed.

A breakpoint shows that the item source array does indeed contain elements.

There is also a OnGenerateRow function, we were under the impression that it should be called when adding elements to the item source array, but it’s not.

The code we’re using is Copy/paste From UE4 source.

Perhaps we’re doing something wrong? (For sure we are, as it’s not working :D)


Hi. Have you called RebuildList() for your list after changing an array? There is no way to automatically detect that array was changed

great, thanks!