Displaying Created UAnimNotifies in AnimationEditor Animation Track

I was able to extend the toolbar of the AnimationEditor in order to provide some extended functionality. I’m able to create some UAnimNotifies and add them to UAnimSequence. However, I am not sure how to tell the Animation Editor to update the Animation Track in order to display my custom AnimNotify marker.

I’ve created my Custom UAnimNotify subclass and I added it to the AnimSequence’s AnimNotifies. How do I display the AnimNotify on the Animation Track that is in the Animation Editor? If I close the editor and open it again, I see the anim notify. But I’d ideally like to refresh the editor right after I add the AnimNotifies.

I’m looking in SAnimNotifyPanel.cpp and I see that the SAnimNotifyPanel’s OnUpdatePanel seems to be responsible for updating the UI to reflect the UAnimNotify’s changes? I’m not sure how to get a handle to the SAnimNofiyPanel though.

Does anyone have experience doing something like this or is there some reference I can look at?

AnimSequence derives from AnimSequenceBase.


Can you please let me know how you extended the toolbar of the AnimationEditor and created custom notifiers from C++ while in edit mode?

I was able to do that using MeshUtilities.cpp line 8002 to extend the toolbar. Then I used SAnimNotifyPanel.cpp CreateNewNotify function to actually create the notify. Then I used AnimSequence->RefreshCacheData() to update the editor.