Move objects out of blueprint


The problem is as follows: I was making a level and it consisted of several hundreds of modular objects (castle walls, doors, house floors, windows etc.) and in order to ease my working process I decided to make blueprints out of it. It’s much easier to place and manipulate objects when they are merged together. So I made separate blueprint for the wall part,for house (all objects that it is made of are included into one blueprint)

But I found that it leads to poor optimization, when your level is full of these “object blueprints”, where you don’t have any scripts, just meshes inside the blueprint container. I made this looking back at my Unity experience, thinking that blueprints can work like prefabs

So, is there any way to deconstruct blueprint class and put all the objects out of it? Let’s say I have 5 boxes merged into a blueprint and I want to make it separate again.


One way of getting around this is to right click the blueprint in question in the viewport, and then “merge” or “convert to static mesh”. Although obviously in both cases this means that those meshes will no longer be independent of one another.

Another solution might be to “copy and paste” the contents of the blueprint into the world, although I’m not sure about that.

I’ve run into people doing this before, and it seems like it would be nice to be able to Un-Blueprint actors, although I don’t think that it’s an existing feature.

Remember you can “ctrl g” selected actors to group them, which will function similarly to prefabs. You can then copy and paste these across levels so there is no real need for an actual “prefab” asset type.