Is UE4 Capable of Interactive Loading Screens (Think Assassins creed style)

Is UE4 capable of doing things like the Skyrim or Assassins creed loading screens?

See? Interactive, the player can move around, or like the skyrim loading screens... they show 3d models that you can rotate and look at during load times (this is also done in fallout 4 and fallout 3).

I am using a multiplayer setup where when I want my player to connect they click a button and it calls a console command “open” however, my loading screen sound which is a Sound Actor placed into the world gets deleted. This makes sense! However, how would I go about keeping my sound? Also, how would I go about listing or getting a list of all active sounds to my client? Thirdly, how could I show 3d models during my loading screens instead of static text or images like I have seen with the MoviePlayer class.

UE4 is capable of all of that, but it requires some setup.

You could have 3d objects in your loading screens easily either by using Seamless Travel (for multiplayer) or by implementing a Level Streaming solution.

Though, only the latter solution would allow for anything to persist throughout the transition (such as sounds in your example) and in some cases (especially multiplayer) that wouldn’t be always feasible even then.
Similarly, AFAIK, fully controlled transition effects such as smooth screen fading also are only really possible with streaming (unless of course you dig deep into the engine code, as I’d imagine).

It might vary if we’re talking VR-only, as that has some features of it’s own.