How to apply collisions to actors?

I made a actor blueprint I move it by SetActorLocation. My problem is I can not apply collision. I put a box collision inside blueprint and enable it set “BlockAll”. However when I run inside an object which has collision it just passes trough inside of it. What am I doing wrong ?

Here is problem: - YouTube

Can you show us a screenshot of how you setup the collision capsule on you character blueprint?

I added some s.shot but this is not a character this is an Actor bp. When I move it to a character BP that detects. I used actor because I could not change the capsule to box.

  1. Set the Collision preset on your “chair” (and all objects that are movable) to BlockAllDynamic. For objects that are set to Simulate Physics use PhyicsActor instead.
    At the moment it is a WorldStatic object type for collision purposes.
  2. Make sure that the blocks have also a collision preset.
  3. You don’t need (and should not) to set the collision in the blueprint code manually, except if you really need to set it after game launch.
  4. Don’t forget to save and compile the project (just in case)

Also it is wise to set the collision box itself to the root component in bpActors

And to avoid future issues make sure you have CCD or Complex Collision Detection on.

This is of course if you stick with using an actor Bp

No. It is not working. I did something I added a Pawn not actor. And I added some events OnComponentHit,OnComponentBeginOverlap,OnComponentEndOverlap… And I detected collision. Then, it is not blocking the object wether pawn or actor if “SetActorLocation” used. Now I am going to add a variable Overlapping and if set to true not move to that way.

I tried to emphasize I used “SetActorLocation”. I think this is the cause. You can try it for me. I belive you will get same result. Should I use something else to move or still I can use it but detect collision events by creating them ?

My result: SetActorLocation will not block collision (Can detect collision but will not block!). Do you confirm it ?

Move the Collision box to the root component.

or you can shoot the project to me and ill look at it for ya.

Solution is not using SetActorLocation. I used Teleport instead. Now it Works with collisions.