Build missing Manifest.xml

I’ve been working on attempting to automate my builds on Mac using the terminal.

Once it reached the “Build Command Started” stage shortly into it, it throws
“ERROR: BUILD FAILED UBT Manifest (Project)/Intermediate/Build/Manifest.xml does not exist.”

I looked through the log and it mentions “XGE was requested, but is unavailable, so we won’t use it” not sure if this is important but seems like it shouldn’t be a problem. Otherwise, I tried adding a Manifest.xml to the folder, and it gets deleted

It checks if UnrealBuildTool.exe exists, then deletes Manifest.xml in the project, checks if the BuildTool exists again, and tries to generate a manifest and returns ExitCode 0 (so I assume success since other ExitCode 0’s indicated that). Then it checks if Manifest.xml exists again and fails

There is a Manifest.xml in the (Engine)/Intermediate/Build folder and it updates after the “generate manifest” step. (is it maybe pointing to the wrong space then?)

Some extra information I realized after re-reading might be useful:

The engine file path is on my desktop, my project file path is in my documents

The command I’m using is:
./RunUAT.command -ScriptsForProject= BuildCookRun -project= -noP4 -clientconfig=Development -serverconfig=Development -nocompile -nocompileeditor -installed -ue4exe=UE4Editor -utf8output -platform=Mac -build -cook -unversionedcookcontent -compressed -stage -deploy -run

Should I have my project located somewhere inside my Engine folder?

Also, it’s a built engine as opposed to launcher installed

Same issue here, seems to only affect source builds. I’m also automating my packaging, but on Windows.

Similar issue for me. I wonder how to get around it

Packaging from the editor still works for me–as a temporary solution.

More testing info: building in editor updates (Engine)/Intermediate/Build/Manifest.xml (and deletes it after updating it) but does not create a manifest in (Project)/Intermediate/Build/

After some further testing, I started trying to figure out what each of the arguments contributed

it turns out the “-installed” argument is what was causing the error. Removing “-installed” fixed my issue. I think it’s because it’s being run as “noeditor” as opposed to being turned into an installer first or something.

For future reference: I had the same issue and for me it was fixed by deleting the Intermediate directory in the project folder

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