Basic SRichTextBlock example

I’m really struggling to understand how to use SRichTextBlock and there doesn’t seem to be much documentation on the subject. I’ve found the examples in “STestSuite.cpp” but there’s so much going on there I can’t follow it. Can someone please give an example of using a single decorator for “Text, red text, text” with as little complexity as possible, just so I can understand the basics?

Have you tried something like this:

"Text, <Rainbow.Text.Red>red text</>, text"

Well, I did, just to be sure, but I don’t think that’s enough–I gather there needs to be a definition somehow of what Rainbow.Text.Red means, using some sort of text decorator…

Well thats all set up in code. So are the images. i dont think you can through using the SRichTextBox add images, web pages, or markup. You can only set these up through writing the software to do so.

That’s exactly his (and my own) problem. How does one go about setting it up in the code? Is there a simple way to do this? Or has someone done this already?