UPROPERTY meta specifier not working

Hi all,

I have an implementation problem with meta specifiers apparently in VS 2017 with UE 4.18.
I am also using Visual Assist.

I’m just getting into C++ and this is the first time I’ve tried to use the meta specifier for a UPROPERTY.
My implementation doesn’t recognize meta specifier (doesn’t highlight properly), and then i get these compile errors.
I discovered this while doing a tutorial. The instructors implementation worked fine. I think he is using VS 2015 though.

would a kind soul clue me in on what might be wrong with my implementation?

(Not highlighting properly)

… error : Expected a metadata key
… -waitmutex" exited with code 5. Please verify that you have sufficient rights to run this command.

If I remove the meta specifier everything compiles fine.


delete extra comma after “ClampMax” word )

it’s compiled:

UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category="Player", meta = (ClampMin = 0.1, ClampMax = 100))
float ZoomInterpSpeed;