Switch between cameras with setViewTargetWithBlend

… I understand what you are trying to do… both child cam BPs are on your player pawn/character… right?

are they both on the same spring arm, or is there a different setup?


i want to switch between my player cameras with the setViewTargetWithBlend node.

Therefore i created two separate actors ( Cam1 and Cam2)

added a camera component to each of them and made camera component the root component

then added two child actors with child actor class (cam1 , cam 2)

set one camera as active

press E key use a flip flop to blend between cam1 and cam2

the blending works fine, BUT once i switched to a camera i can’t control it with my mouse (look around).

What can be the cause of this?


they are on two seperate spring arms on the character

i just redid the whole setup in a new project and it’s working as expected. I dunno what went wrong. Nevertheless thanks for your help, much appreciated

yeah, I’ve gotten exactly this setup working normally… and I think both cameras can be left to active… in Begin Play, just use Set View Target with Blend to nominate your first choice… the inactive camera might be the problem

sorry to ask, but the spring arm setting are the same and correct… right?

… ok! this child actor approach is a bit of a workaround… but from my research it’s the best current available way to smooth between 2 cams on the player character