How can I have HUD animations?

Is ti posible to do HUD animations ? I have 2 objects i just want to move around, but its not possible to use “Timeline” on HUD. Any other way by using blueprint?

Thanks in advance

Well, it’s quite possible to use a timeline in the HUD. I’m using it in my prototype, and it works fine.

The attached screenshot shows a little bit of it (it is currently neither very organized nor optimized, as you can see :slight_smile:

There’s a timeline in the lower right quadrant that is triggered to start by a custom event that is called from another blueprint. In this case, the value from the timeline drives the alpha component of a texture’s tint color, but you can of course use it to drive anything, such as the positions of those two objects you want to move.

The thing to remember about timelines is that they must be placed in an event graph - they are not available in functions (but macros are fine).

UMG also will let you animate UI, i will be experimental in 4.4

Yes, but the animation portion is still under heavy development. 4.5 is probably when the animation side will be ready to be of some real use.