Stop skybox reflections

Hello, im having a problem with my reflective objects.
My map is indoors and i would like to have a slightly reflective floor however on the edges and when i look down all i get is the sky box

How can i get it to stop reflecting the sky box and have it reflect the roof

material is surface, opaque and default lit
base colour green
Metallic 1
Specular 1
Roughness 0

Using a skylight for ambient light
skylight is set to specified cubemap DaylightAmbiantCubemap
i realize i could set the cube map to a solid gray however i would like have the ceiling reflecting

You can delete the skylight and add some reflection caputes in your scene.

Without reflection captures you will not be able to see your ceiling or anything else in your scene.

You can also check the documentation for more information on reflection captures.

If i delete the skylight and skybox (its very dark) then the skybox reflection goes away but the effect still stays and its just solid black

I already had a reflection capture in the scene
However everything is procedurally generated

I just want to know what is causing this dynamic shape at the edges and when i look down and how i can remove it…
if i can remove it