Game Instance exist where?

Hello, so people on the Internet is telling others on the forum that Game instance exist on all clients and server and they all have their own Game Instance BP. im trying to make a Lobby for my game where all players can choose a side.

Its Team1 or Team2, when they choose a side they cast to Game Instance and set a variable called “Team” to the respected number “Int” but when the game starts all clients follow the server on the side?

If i print string all players team everyone says the correct team they choose. but still they spawn on the same side of the map as the server does?

Im using “Cast to Game Instance” on the player character to get the team, and then i spawn a character and posses it.

Does the game Instance share? is there only one Game Instance in a match? or is it Local? i dont understand?


You almost on the write path…

Game Instance exist on Server and exist on Client1, on Client2, on Client3 and so on…

and here comes the trick…

Every Clients and Server owns their unique copy of gameinstance and no sync between gameinstances!!!
Imagine gameistance as your GAME itself… when you start a game gameinstance is created and no matter if you connect to online game or just you play locally… If your game.exe is working they have a gameinstance always!!!
but its not synced with other gameinstances as i mentioned…

So Server may have different datas in there and clients too :slight_smile: