
UE official Video 05の28分頃に出てきたCharacterReferenceというものが無くて困っています。
何か原因があるのでしょうか?解決策がありましたら教えて下さい!UMG UI Inventory: Menu Functionality | 05 | v4.8 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube

I translated in case anyone wants to jump in and answer.

My Japanese Is rough so forgive me.

" There is no Character Reference that appeared in the official video of UE!

In my case

I am in trouble because it is not there. The Character Reference that appeared around 28 minutes of UE official Video What Could Be the cause?

Please let me know if there is a solution! UMG UI Inventory: Menu Functionality | 05 | v4.8 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube "




Thank you! !
I understand very well.