Building lighting instantly fails(No errors)

I have a scene where i could build lighting before, but now since i’ve added some assets and duplicated some in the scene. Building lighting only instantly fails, without an error message.

On the forums it’s been said that an asset could’ve become corrupt, and that i should delete everything bit by bit and trying to build lighting to try and find the corrupted mesh.
but that’s going to take a long time, and there surely needs to be a more practical solution.

I have no idea what is happening, my scene is about 500UE4 units by 500UE4 units, just for a reference for scale and i have a lightmass importance volume aswell.

I fixed the issue!

Apperantly UE4 by itself turned on “Force No Precomputed Lighting” by itself in the World Settings (haven’t touched world settings previously to this, so i’m sure it wasn’t me).

Turning this off made me able to build lighting again!