Spawn blueprint within blueprint

i have a particle i set with a light component in a blueprint make transform is 0 0 0

i used this blueprint within another blueprint actor class and made it the child actor and the transform i set to spawn at random areas 0 to 10000 when it spawns it spawns in a small region not the actual region it was set at feels more like a 0 to 1000 range rather than 10000 tried increasing it and decreasing it with the same result. How do i spawn a blueprint over an area that intersects at said geometry.

Hey -

Have you taken a look at the BP_Random_Folliage Blueprint in the Blueprint Office Marketplace content? In that blueprint there is a great script for testing collsion across a defined area which I believe is exactly what you are looking for?

After looking at that if you still have questions let me know -

Eric Ketchum