ISM/HISM Lightmap error in level streaming

Hi, I am not good at English. I would appreciate your understanding. :slight_smile:

I am experiencing Instanced Static Mesh (ISM) / Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh (HISM) lightmap errors in level streaming and lighting scenarios.

Please see the screenshot below.

In order to reproduce this:

  1. Set “Project Settings - Streaming - UseBackgroundLevelStreaming = false”
  2. Prepare BP with ISM or HISM.
  3. After you create a sublevel, you configure the sublevels to stream through the streaming volume.
  4. Place ISM / HISM BPs at each sublevel.
  5. Create a lighting scenario level.
  6. This lighting scenario level is configured to be loaded during playtime using a trigger or the like.
  7. After execution, load the lighting scenario level through the trigger and load / unload the sublevel.
  8. You can confirm that the ISM / HISM light map is faulty.


  1. It can be prominently displayed in dark environments where Directional Light does not reach. (Environment with a roof)
  2. The more objects placed in the level (large texture size), the more lag happens during streaming load / unload, and I had to set UseBackgroundLevelStreaming = false in my project.
  3. Only ISM / HISM has been confirmed to be a problem, and there is no problem with BP made from static mash or static mash components.
  4. Simple sublevel streaming without a lighting scenario is not reproducible.
  5. This is also reproducible in 4.19 Preview 4.

The test project download link is:

Thank you for reading my difficult English.

i have same issue. 4.18.3 and 4.19 preview