Collision Capsule is offset the Enemy mesh

Hello everyone, I am encountering a strange of issue for the first time and can’t find any anwser on others topic, and I would be very glad if you could help me out :

So I am attempting to create a little Shoot’em up game. I’ve already created the player and his weapon. But the issue
I am encountering are the capsule component with the enemy character :

-If my player collide with the enemy mesh, it kills the enemy. Sounds good
-If an ammo collide with enemy mesh, it just go through. But if the ammo is a little bit offset the target, the collision work. It could be a issue due to a non-centered mesh, you will say, but that’s not.

If i put the target at the middle of the screen, the collisions seems to be centered. If my target is on the left corner I need to shoot at the right of the target for killing her.

Here are some screen for being more precise :

I would be very glad if you could help me.
