Get Hand Position and Orientation Deprecated 4.18 (how i replace? htc)

Get hand position is deprecated. “use motion controller componetns instead”. There is not such a node called “motion controller component” or “use montion controller component”…

basically the question is: if you make something deprecated, where on the whole internet can i find some documentation about it clear instructions on how to update it? I have my project working and any time i update i find this kind of annoying things and i need to loose lots of time figuring it out.

I’m using HTC vive, and i would need the location, forward vector and orientation of the hand controlers (sticks)

Hope you can point me to the solution, thnx in advance.


No one? i can’t find the node that replaces this… please give me a hint :frowning:

Would be nice if epic could allow comments in the documentation, that would make it work more like a wiki… also it’s very important that you track within documentation what version of UE4 are you documenting and mark in which version things become deprecated and what’s the new channel to use in those cases… documentation policies seem very irresponsable, incomplete and inconsistent.

Hope you can improve your product that way. (if anyone is reading this comments :S)

Hi, I ain’t got no solution but maybe a hint. I think what they’re saying is to use a reference from your MotionController to access the component you need. Something like this.


In your case as you’re targeting for the Hand, I’ll be starting maybe from something like this

Here is how I fixed it:

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Glad you found your way. Very interesting this set motion source node. Thks for sharing.

Thnx mate!

use MotionController Component’s relativelocation .

use MotionController Component’s relativelocation .

I would like some help with this same issue, years later
the solution links are dead

I have a project template that is basically a Lone Echo style locomotion in zero g with grab climbing

source video: Zero-gravity hand-locomotion in VR - YouTube
source proj (very small, >6 meg): Zero-G hand-based movement, locomotion mechanics similar to Lone Echo/Echo VR (Updated 1/23/19)

and what I’m doing with it here:

Basically this is all I need for most of my game project.

It was made for 4.1 and it converts to 4.27 fine, but there is the hand deprecated msg in compiling.
It still compiles for win with the error, but the quest chokes on it, it compiles but flakes when you run it.

I’m an artist dev, not a blueprint master, only been using UE for 1.5 yrs.
If you found a solution for this I would be very grateful to know.
I am having the same prob as you were having, a bunch of devs who could fix it in a sec just saying roughly “git gud”.

I can still dev it and build my scenes, but in the end I would like to test natively on Quest apk as well as win.

thx for any info or links to possible solutions you might have.

I found this,
but it isn’t enough info for me and the image is so pixelated I can’t read the text.

The current best practice is to add a motion controller component for each hand to the player pawn, and read the position of the component itself to get the controller position.

This tutorial show how to add the component:

To get the position, drag the component into the node area, and add Get World or Relative Location nodes as needed.


I was able to make the errors go away using
get motion source for hand
set motion source for hand

but since it was made for 4.21 I think the problem is as you say.
thanks for the links

if you know of any other downloadable zero G vr projects I can look at I’d love a link.

I think what you say here is what I need to look at to get the project to work on quest.
as is, its working fine in win64
but the apk stalls loading on quest, and this is probably why.

GOD, Than you !