Paper2D Static Lighting Not Rendering In Mobile

So I’ve been working on a Paper2D platformer in my off time and want to use point lights to light up my levels. I initially was just going to have this project on Windows platform only but recently decided to integrate mobile. For desktop I used stationary lighting which worked fine. But now since I need to switch the point lights to static for mobile I can’t get them to light up the levels. I’m kind of lost and believe it has something to do with the material I’m using. Any advice or help would be appreciated!

I have Forward Shading enabled and using orthographic camera. In mobile preview the only lighting that shows against the material is movable point lights and looks horrible.

Hey Gnaw!

Did you find an answer to your question some time after?
I am struggling with the same issue and wonder if there’s anything that could make sprites to be lit with static lights.