Attached Component to actor has no collision

Hello EveryBody,
I have an issue with a movable cube that is attached to player charachter through blueprint.
when I attached the cube to the player mesh and move around the level . I notice that the cube is overlaps with others statics mesh actors . I dont know why this happen even the collision is set to block for both actors ( the cube and static mesh actor).

can anyone tell me why they overlaping each others
please see the attached image for more.


maybe have it as a separate actor, and use the “attach actor to actor” blueprint

hi jabberhopper , i already managed to attach the actor but my problem is with collision . the attached actor has no collision even its collision set to block.

By default only root actor have collision. The attached actors will have only overlap event, but have no OnComponentHit() event, because the attached actor will have no sweep check. This is true for components too. If you enable physics in StaticMeshes around level they will respond to Hit, but individual parts of chain AttachedActor - ChildComponent - CharacterCapsule will not collide properly with each other. I’m currently trying to learn how to change this via C++. If you will find any solution - please comment.

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Thanks TVinforest , really helpful info. I will try to figure out a solution and if i found something i will let you know .