Why does the client delete the physics actor(Ragdoll)

Hello, I have a simple setup where the characters get set to ragdoll on death by simulating physics, I have torn the function apart and rebuilt it many ways, and have it replicating on the clients
BUT: now the client’s will delete the actor a few seconds after it goes ragdoll, the listen server still has it laying on the ground.

What would cause this?

OK I’ve narrowed it down further, it seems that the capsule is dropping through the floor on the client and not the server with these settings and it is disappearing when the capsule hits the kill-zone under the world. Experimenting more with this but basically I want to just leave the rag-doll and detach the player controller.

This is what I ended up doing in the end, still could use some work since I’d really like the capsule to ignore everything without falling through the floor. but works for now. Just wanted to post this in case someone else came across it.

Thanks for explaining the problem and finding a great solution to it! :smiley:

Hi all. I know this is an old thread but I had this issue recently when learning UE4 and although the the answer above mostly works for Multiplayer, as noted in the graph image it needed fixing further. What I did was replace the “Set Collision Response To Channel” on the Capsule Collider with a “Set Collision Profile Name” node instead, which sets the collision type of the Capsule to a custom one I created in the ProjectSettings->Engine->Collision->Presets named “Custom_Capsule” which is of ObjectType->World Static and which only blocks the World Static trace checkbox and ignores everything else.