Particles spawned by object surface map

So i’ve created an animated dissolve effect that will make the asset invisible, What i am rly trying to do right now is make a particle emitter spawn particles on the edges of that dissolve, Imagine it like particles from any DCC tool that are spawned from a mesh and their density / number is controled by a black n white map applied to the mesh, Or by a black n white channel of a map.

Would like to know if there is a way to do this or if there is something similar that could be implemented as this can be used in other similar cases such as a surface being burned and spawns embers as it moves up and so on.

It’s a really cool feature that I’d like to add in the future but it’s not planned at this time. The idea would be to evaluate a material on a mesh’s surface and based on a material output (could be opacity or some other custom output) a list of potential spawn points would be built. These spawn points could then be used as initial locations for GPU particles.

The whole thing could be very efficient and you could make some really cool effects, like the dissolve you mention.

If only I had infinite time to code! :slight_smile:

Glad you have this in mind at least, Take your time.

This is what i was talking about, Now imagine if in those "edges" where the blue -ish color appears there were some particles spawning loaded in GPU, Would rly be more awesome. Anyway thanks for the reply and for sharing your thoughts.