How can one lock the origin point of the mobile joysticks so that they don't jump to the touch point?

I’m looking to lock the “base”, or origin point of the mobile joysticks (in UDK I think it was controlled by "tolerance?) so that they stay in place, while functional, and don’t slide or skip to the touch location, or move the origin to follow the input.

The current challenge is that with continued use, the joysticks ultimately end up too close to the edges of the screen, or in other problematic locations.

Also it would be useful to be able to access other joystick properties, as in UDK’s input zones, which offered much more customization of properties.

I’m using Blueprints in 4.3, developing for Android and iOS.

Currently, other than this, they’re fine for my limited needs in this case.


Howdy B-Train,

Sorry about the severe lack of a response. You should be able to lock the points of origin by following these steps:

  • Find the Content Browser in the Editor
  • Under the view options, enable the Show Engine Content checkbox

  • Once enabled, Click on the engine folder
  • In the search bar, enter ‘Joysticks’


  • Double click to open the Touch interface setup
  • When the menu opens, enable the Prevent Recenter Checkbox in that menu

  • Save and then exit the setup menu.

Your Joystick controls should now be locked.

Please let me know if any additional information is needed. Thanks and have a great day!

Hi Gribbs! Is there a way to prevent Recenter on just the right Joystick?