Not Rotating a Character in 45 Degree Steps


I am currently working on a Topdown Shooter Project where I need to rotate my Character with the Right Gamepad Stick. My Problem right now is, that it only rotates in 45 Degree steps, but I want it to always look at where my Stick is pointing to.

Here is what I’ve done so far:

I hope you can help me,


Mike Ponton

Maybe try Input Axis “Left/RIght” or “East/West” in your case to “Set Controller Yaw Input” (i think that is what it is called) and Input Axis “North/South” to move forward and backward ?

let us be totally honest with each other. It doesn’t rotate in 45° steps does it?

the axis typically goes from -1 to +1, a rotation about the x is called roll, a rotation about the y is called pitch.

You said you wanted yaw. Thats the Z component on the vector you fed into the Rotation pin. Which is always 0. Not 45°. and certainly not -1 to +1.

Its time to break out your trig. One is the result of a sin, the other is a cos. The inverse of which will give you an angle. You should call this AngleFromAxis() and use that on your Z rotation.