How to make trigger that can only be activate when an animation finished play?

Can anyone teach me how to create a trigger that can be activate only when an animation finished play?

I have trigger “A”. Trigger A activate an animation of people walking.
Trigger “B” will activate another animation. But trigger "B’ can only be activate when animation from trigger “A” finish play. How to do that?


I think best if you will use animation notification system since animation blueprint will continously play animations…

Animation notify can be added to any animation and you can do something when animation reach notify aka animation bluperint will call an event…

more info: Animation Notifications (Notifies) | Unreal Engine Documentation

For example…
Create a bool variable in your character blueprint like bIsWalkingAnimationPlaying set it default false.

If Character enters in A trigger you play the animation and set this variable to “true”
If Animation reach notify, you can set this bool to false again in your animation blueprint.

B trigger should check that bool if true dont play animation if false play animation.

Hope this helps

Will try it out. Thanks!