Cannot change import settings on static mesh in 4.18

I exported my mesh and used the generate lightmaps option. Now i have done custom unwrap to the second uv channel. And when i import it doesnt give me the option to change it. I have changed the settings in the model viewer and hit reimport. I even tried importing over the existing mesh. Any ideas… This used to work, when you hit import and overwite you would get the option dialog again…

Thanks in advance

This MIGHT help, no guarantees,

I’m am assuming 3DS MAX, FBX file,

so here is the static mesh pipeline just for good measure.
I cant find this one doc page that talked about what multiple UV channels in unreal would do, as it can keep accepting more.
I do recall that UV channels are queued up, so as channels are found they get pushed up to the next empty spot in the UV array. IE if uv 0 is empty and uv 1 isn’t, then unreal will push uv 1 to uv 0 position.

I’m having the same problem.
Also, the option to turn off auto-generate lightmaps is missing from the property settings.
This is not good.

the force no pre-computed lighting is in world settings. (unless that’s what you meant) in the Light mass section.