What am I doing wrong while trying to set camera rotation on a custom spectator pawn class?

I’m trying to make a spectator pawn class that allows you to rotate the camera by 90 degrees when you press E or Q. I added a camera to my components list and it is a child of the root. The attached image shows what I’m attempting to do, but it isn’t actually rotating the camera at all. It IS rotating the actor, which I’ve verified outside of what I’ve shown in the image, but the view does not change. It does appear that the camera I’ve attached to the class is being used because when I change the FOV on it in the component’s list, the FOV in game also changes.

The print string was used to verify that the function was completing successfully, and the detached set world location was used in an attempt to manually rotate the camera component, which also did not work.

I was able to get it to work by setting the option in defaults “Use Controller Rotation Yaw” set to true, setting the camera component’s “Use Controller Rotation” node set to true, and then using the player controller’s Set Control Rotation node. I’m still not certain why what I have shown does not work though.