Is there a way to get the absolute world position when world origin rebasing is enabled?

Hi guys,
I basically would like to know if there is a way to get the absolute world position of objects when world origin rebasing is enabled.

I noticed that the coordinates are changing randomly (?) and I dont get the algorithm of the world rebasing. What I need is to access coordinates of my objects so i can reference them later on to geographic coordinates.


Well concept behind origin shifting is avoid coordinate system overflow what we can store in code…
You know all variable type has limits and origin shifting exactly avoid this limits…

but in theory that works as his name tells… All location is relative location based from origin… if player goes far his origin will be changed to new one and his relative location also will show new values from the new origin…

well i do not investigated source so i dont know how epic implemented this, but now you know the concept behind of that…

This is why you see “random” changes.