Why does my light toggle backwards sometimes?

I have a class BP that is a switch. It has a box trigger around it and when the characters enters the box trigger a point light lights up around the switch…on end overlap it goes back off…

But randomly when I play the game it’s backwards…The light is always on and when I enter the box trigger it toggles it as said to do…but the light is set to start with no visibility. …

What could be causing that?? It happens in more than one of my switch blueprints.

Thanks for the help!! :slight_smile:

Something else might be entering the volume other than the player actor.

That is a slight possibility…I’ll check into this. Thank you.

If you only want the player to trigger it set the collision for the box to only overlap Pawns.

Ok the thing is collision is set up perfectly. It only works with a player had tag for the player. Like I said…Most of the time it works…Then randomly sometimes it’s backwards…what else could possibly be causing that??

Just wondering if anyone has any other idea why this could possibly be happening…it usually only happened once a map is extremely full. Not overloading. I still run 80fps…it’s just…almost like…glitching.