How to make sure that when I throw the weapon it fell to the ground and did not hang at certain coordinates?

I have a blueprint of dropping weapons, but when I press a button, my weapon just hangs at certain coordinates. And I want it to fall.

Looks like you’re telling the weapon you drop to “spawn” at a certain location that is fixed based on the velocity vectors of the player at the time of drop. If you don’t have “gravity” enabled and simulate physics on your weapon checked it would just spawn at the specified location and sit there. So my first thought it check and see if physics is enabled and gravity applied to your weapon mesh.

“Gravity” is enable, but anyway guns flying)

You need to check the box that says “Simulate Physics” and the box that says “Enable Gravity”. They both need to be enabled on the root component. The root component is the one at the root of the component tree in the blueprint editor. It usually starts out as “DefaultSceneRoot” but that won’t do physics.

If you have DefaultSceneRoot then you can replace it with the mesh (drag-drop) so the mesh becomes the root component. Then enabling physics and gravity will work.

Or you can do what I do: use a collision component for the root. It gets physics/gravity/collision and the mesh has them all turned off. I find that to be more stable in the physics engine than using a mesh directly.

You still have DefaultSceneRoot. The root component has to be a component capable of handling physics. SceneComponent is not. The physics box should be at the root. Just drag and drop it on top of DefaultSceneRoot and replace it.

Is it falling through the floor? Set up the collision properly in the physics box. As I said, it needs physics, gravity and collision.

Did everything as you described. The problem is still viable.

When the weapon starts, it disappears